SINGER Electric Oven | 35 Ltr | 353GKEA Price in Bangladesh
The current SINGER Electric Oven | 35 Ltr | 353GKEA price in Bangladesh is 9,490 BDT. You can purchase the SINGER Electric Oven | 35 Ltr | 353GKEA at the lowest price from ULA. The brand name for the SINGER Electric Oven | 35 Ltr | 353GKEA is SINGER. To buy other SINGER items, go to our website and look for the SINGER brand.
Brand Singer
Exchange N/A
Capacity 35
Type N/A
Cavity type N/A
Display N/A
Control Type N/A
Color N/A
Door type N/A
Grill Yes
Convection (even Baking) Yes
Number of Preset Quick Menus N/A
Featured Dishes N/A
Child Lock No
Deodorize & Keep Warm No
Microwave Frequency(MHZ) N/A
Watts Microwave (Output) mo_Watts Microwave (Output)
Power Consumption N/A
Power Level N/A
Power Save No
Motorized Rotisserie (Turning Grill) No
Height N/A
Width N/A
Depth N/A